7 motivational ways to lose weight

19-March-2023    By: Obiageli Igboanugo

It’s that time of year again that a lot of us determine to do something about our weight especially after Christmas. Where are you in the journey? It is common for people to lose that motivation after a few months. I hope you are not in that category, but if you are, here are some ways to flag up your waning zeal.

Your reason to lose weight

It is important to link your why to something outside of yourself. For example, you can desire to shed weight and be healthy for the sake of your loved ones, or doing it for charity in pursuit of a noble cause. When your reason to lose weight is for the sake of someone else, it as extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation may be the kick off you need to start. Afterwards your motivation may become intrinsic as you begin to enjoy the benefits of it for your body.

Start where you are.

Don’t wait until all your circumstances are perfect before you commit to exercising. Start where you are. It could be ten minutes of your lunch break or 30 minutes. Any amount is better than nothing.

Track your daily step.

Measure how many steps a day you take, then set a goal to increase the amount. If you can afford it, get a smart watch and set this daily goal. There’s something about wearing a smart watch that motivates you to fulfil your daily quota of steps. 

Don’t Quit.

Life happens and there are times you can’t make the time for exercise. You are likely to interrupt your exercise regime after a vacation or when you are very busy. Don’t quit completely and pick where you left off.

Remember, taking an exercise break is good for the mind and body. Here are some tips to help you maximize the best time of day for exercise which is in the mornings:

  • You are more likely to stay motivated, excuses may crop later in the day to scuttle your plans. 
  • Morning sweat sessions can also have brain boosting benefits lasting the whole day.
  • There is evidence that morning workout can undo some of the metabolic damage of whatever fatty, high-sugar foods you may have consumed the night before.
  • You are likely to complete your morning routine as there are less distractions.
  • Endorphin boost with a morning workout will give you a better attitude throughout the day.

Set a goal.

If you don’t have a goal, it’s difficult to know when you achieve it. It’s also hard to stay motivated. Setting a goal can be done by being concrete and specific. ‘I want to lose weight” is too nebulous and won’t cut it in motivating you. Instead define how much weight you want to lose. For example, I want to lose 10 kg in six months by exercising three times a week. Also spend time and think out your why? How important is achieving your fitness goals, for you and your health? How does this decision affect your loved ones? This extrinsic motivation maybe what you need to start your fitness journey.  Finding out your why increases your chances of achieving your goal.



Failing to plan is planning to fail. Planning also demands a strategy, if you plan to exercise a certain number of times in the week, schedule a time for it. The more you stick to the plan, the more motivated you are. Also, creating a plan and committing to it in front of your loved ones whom you are accountable to will increase your chances of success.


Make it a habit.

According to JC DEEN, you are only as strong as your habits because if you want to achieve your fitness goal, you must establish habits based on that aspiration. Also, habits do not exist in a vacuum, so create new positive ones to replace negative habits. You must be intentional about creating new habit. All habits are made up of three components; namely, triggers, routines and rewards. The trigger is what propels you to do a certain task. The routine is what happens after the trigger (the habit). The reward is the satisfaction you experience after you perform the routine. Linking your habits to these 3 stages will increase success. For example, you trigger could be as simple as changing into your exercise clothes and trainers and the reward could be the rush of feel-good hormones released in the body.


Reward Yourself.

Celebrate every progress, no matter how small. Set incremental milestones and celebrate as you tick them off. Through this system of reward, your brain draws out positive emotions and links your exercise effort to the positive emotions. Gradually, you will begin to move towards these actions that produces those positive emotions, and this will help you to be consistent.

Goodluck on your exercise journey!