sample press release

24-Aug-2023    By: obiageli igboanugo


Thomas Saffiya is a promising student of Aston secondarywhose potential lie untapped because his parents are too poor to afford alaptop for him to do his assignments and homework at home. Toms heart acheswhenever homework or assignment is given through Google teams as he feels leftout. Tom is one of several indigent students left behind in the school systemwith unrealized potentials because of poverty of their parents.

However, Toms story has a happy ending as BRIDGE THEDIVIDE, a charity committed to bridging the gap between the rich and the poorstudents through donation of educational resources such as laptops, revisionbooks; stepped in. Tom is one of the students to receive a brand-new Laptop ina trialling experiment. The success of this Trial in  improving performance in school for Tom andothers who participated has convinced Bridge the Divide to go widescreen withthis venture.

Bridge the Divide is launching an event tagged “ Laptopper Child: make a difference” on 24th March 2023 in Aston SecondarySchool, Stevenage. During this launch, brand new laptops will be gifted tobright promising students from poor homes. According to the Chief ExecutiveOffice of the Charity, Howard Mills, “every child deserves a level playingfield to succeed in life and education is the foundation. We are launching thisprogramme to provide children from poor homes with laptops to achieve theirdreams”.

The Charity has also given scholarships to 5000 studentssince its inception in pursuance of its mission to make a difference in thelives of students. Established in 2001 with a workforce of 100 employees and250 Volunteers, it is funded solely by charitable donations from the public andIndustries such as Microsoft Inc, Honda, LG Energy Solution, and Panasonic. Onecan donate by clicking here.  .


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Notes to the Editor:

Embargoed till the 10th of March.