sample blog four reasons moving abroad should be stress free

26-Aug-2023    By: obiageli igboanugo


You decidedyou want to migrateabroad – to Canada. Your adventurous spirit is stirring, and you can’t sitstill. Robyn Yong says “We travel not to escape life, but for life not toescape us”.  You want to live; live lifefully and you have decided to take the plunge and move. It’s a big decision totake,international travel is not the same as travelling to Skegness or LakeDistrict, it’s a relocation! I can bet one of the reasons for your decision isthe better standard of living in Canada as compared to the UK. Canada boasts ofclimate and geographical diversity, from beach hot sunny days to snowboarding,all in the same country. Canada also boasts of longer living span; just livingin Canada adds 1 year to your lifespan. In Canada you will spend 27.7% less on taxes than in the UK. Cheaper taxesand less unemployment are a big plus. Another caviar is that heating your homeis included in the rent and the rent, though it varies from province toprovince is comparatively cheaper than in the UK. So, the question is, what’snot to love about this massive country even though  moving there is considered as  living overseas?

However,there are 4 things you should do to make your move stress-free:

Prepare through research. Find out alot about Canada through research. Although UK and Canada are ruled by the samemonarchy, there are cultural differences. Yes, as we mentioned earlier, thereare lots of job in Canada, but its safer and less stress to secure a job whilestill in the UK. You can even search for remote jobs and start working until everythingis sorted for your move. Find out about schools in the province you are movingto if you have children of school age.


Moving awayfrom all you are used to can make you homesick and lonely. If you don’t have afamily in Canada to soften this feeling, it can be a painful acclimatization.Knowing this and bracing yourself emotionally to its happening may makeyou  resilient until you can make newfriends and embrace a new support network.

Prepare physically.

If you can get a job while still in the UK, more planning is still neededto save you a lot of headaches. If you need to sell your house, temporaryrenting while your house is put up for sale may be a wise move. Also downsizingto a smaller rented space will enable you to get rid of unwanted stuff and youcan sell some to give you needed cash. For further information and advice onpacking, freighting etc, there are many logistic companies that specialize in internationalremovals and PSS Removals is one of the best.

Preparation for visa.

Getting a job offer is not the same as getting the required visas. Properpreparation is crucial. Its advisable not to book your ticket until your visais sorted. The pandemic has created a lot of backlogs for many countries andthe processing times are now more protracted. Do you know that PSS Removal hasteamed up with an immigration Law firm to answer your questions and procure theneeded Visa if you need to?.

Bon voyage!